Posted on 16 Comments

Welcome to GoodChief!

We are a small company based in Northville, MI. We hope you enjoy your stay here at our new website!

Currently, we have one commercial product, but we are growing and will soon add many more to the list. We have more products in development, but don’t feel ready to release them

We have reformatted our website and added new features. Please feel free to comment down any suggestions about what you would like to see or improve.

Our privacy policy can be found at this link.

If you have any questions regarding our products, our website, or anything else, please feel free to contact us. Here is our contact info:

Phone number: (248) 692-4566

Please feel free to contact us. We love to hear back from our customers, and a lot of the feedback that we receive is already integrated into our products.

16 thoughts on “Welcome to GoodChief!

  1. Do you have the installation instructions on line?? Its easier to follow and print bigger.

    1. We currently do not, but we plan to on the future. This is mainly because we have planned updates to the manual.

    Yesterday I installed the full kit I purchased on Amazon. Overall, I am very pleased with the laser. I believe the lines are eminently more useful than the dots used by other systems. I have an overhead garage door opener with two lights, front and rear. I removed the led bulb in the rear of the opener and installed a screw in receptacle, plugging the laser into it. Again, I think the laser lines are far superior to the laser dots. Further, the other feature that won me over was the ability to activate the system by invoking the overhead garage door opener rather then the motion detector used by the other systems…pure brilliance!

    The only issue I have had with the system is that the laser lines do not appear on the hood of our SUV until we are well into the garage. I think it might be helpful if the lines were longer. We have 8′ ceiling in the garage. I installed the laser just forward of the windshield.

    [MY QUESTION] If I were to reinstall the laser a few feet further forward, would that make the lines longer so they were visible on the hood sooner? Any thoughts along these lines will be deeply appreciated, thanks!

    1. Here’s our recommended guidelines about the laser lines:

      Firstly, overlapping the laser lines may help solve your problem. By overlapping the lines, you effectively get twice the laser line distance.

      Think of the laser lines as a projection: the further the laser lines are from your car, the longer the laser lines will be at the cost of brightness. If you are able to move the laser lines further from your car, that may also solve the problem.

      In addition, we barely check comments on our website due to low usage. Next time you have a question, please contact us at This way, we can get to your question sooner.

      1. I’m very pleased with your laser line parking assist, i was just wondering if there is any type of warranty on this product, i couldn’t see any info on this when I made the purchase. Thank you.!
        Terry Glackin

        1. Hey Terry, we provide a 90 day warranty if the product malfunctions at during that time. Look at the bottom of the user manual for more details.
          I’m sorry for replying so late. The comments on this website are sparsely checked, so please instead text our phone number or email us instead for any additional inqueries.

  3. HI,
    Is the laser eye-safe?
    In reading about it, I am unsure as to what activates it, as I see two different methods, 1) a sound sensor, 2) powered by the light bulb fixture on the opener, can you elaborate, thanks.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hey Terry,

      First off, we are incredibly apologetic about the slow reply. Unfortunately, we do not check comments on this website very often. If you want to get in contact with us, I’d recommend that you contact us either at or through our phone number at (248)692-4566.

      To answer your question to about the laser being eye-safe, it is a class IIIa laser. Here is a link that describes the different classes of lasers. Basically, you should avoid eye contact with the laser, but any exposure to the laser has minimal risk.

      Additionally, we have changed our entire product line from powering from a light bulb fixture to using a sound sensor. We are very sorry for that confusion. We do not sell the light bulb fixture anymore; however, you can buy a light bulb socket for around a dollar if you choose to go that result.

  4. I placed order (number 303) on October 3, why is it still in processing ? What is the status ? When will it be shipped ?


    1. Dear David,

      We apologize for getting to you so late, but please instead contact us at or (248) 692-4566, as we do not check the replies on this website and as some customer replies are placed into spam. As it stands, it seems like you have received the package from our details. We use PayPal’s shipping, so you should receive an email from PayPal about your order and tracking information. We usually ship the product within a day.

  5. Can I make the sound sensor less sensitive?

    1. Hi Robert,

      We highly advise against making the sound sensor less sensitive, as less sensitive sensors may not activate when your garage door opens. However, if you wish to make the sound sensor less sensitive, you could potentially wrap the sound sensor in cloth or move the sound sensor away from any noise.

  6. Hello, I received my product today from Amazon and saw that the plastic part of the sound sensor is broken. How can I exchange it for a new one?

    1. Hey Paul, I’m sorry for replying so late; we do not check the comments on this website. I would recommend that you contact us through text or through email. If it’s possible, you could ask Amazon to exchange your product as well.

  7. I own a Hyundai Santa Fe and I back into my garage. I have a double garage with separate garage doors. The garage door when open is directly over my windshield. So I can not install the laser on the ceiling. Where do I install the lasers to have it work properly? Can it work if install on the adjacent wall just below the garage door track?

    Can your product work when backing in your car?

    1. Hey Kit, you may be able to install the product on the guard rail or the wall; either should be fine.
      I have no idea how effective this product is when backing up, but I do have some concerns. (1) Make sure that the lasers aren’t pointing to a location where’s there is direct sunlight. Our lasers are limited by the FDA to be a certain strength and thus cannot complete with direct sunlight. (2) The parking assist is very good at telling you the position of your car. For telling you the angle of the car, I would recommend that you use one parking assist for the vehicle so that you can align the lasers in a cross (X) shape. I hope this helps!

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